Haldane Art Gallery at Foodtown
Student artwork is showcased year-round in our community as a result of this innovative public art gallery project, initiated in 2017 by Haldane Arts Alliance in partnership with the Haldane PTA and Foodtown Grocery of Cold Spring. Installations occur on a quarterly basis, thanks to Arts Alliance members who coordinate with Haldane's teaching staff to rotate multi-grade student artwork.
Foodtown's Partnership with HAA and Haldane
Most years, Paul Satkowski, Foodtown Manager, comes to Haldane so that Haldane 6th graders can interview him about the Foodtown Gallery (see pre-pandemic photo at right). Haldane art teacher Angela Branco says: "This interview provides a real-world art experience for the students, as Foodtown becomes our client, with certain expectations and limits. Students must create 2D work in order to allow for installation in the space, and they are encouraged to create work that keeps the Cold Spring community in mind." Ms. Branco adds: "Materials, techniques, and subject matter are left open-ended from there, and many of the students use their own interests as jumping off points. The sixth graders learn new techniques each day that they may choose to incorporate into their work, including pencil and paint shading, blocking in, and embellishing with Styrofoam prints. The students give each other feedback along the way, often inspiring each other to make some very intriguing choices." Students in all grades are encouraged to write artist statements to accompany their work -- an opportunity to hone their skills at communicating their artistic intent. The entire community benefits from this interaction of public + art, with real-world applications and experiences for our student artists. Student artwork at the gallery has been purchased! In 2018, two art lovers purchased a painting created by two Haldane 6th graders. (They are pictured at the right, in back, celebrating their acquisition!) Also pictured are the student artists, Haldane art teacher Angela Branco, and Haldane Arts Alliance's volunteer gallery coordinator, Rachel Emig. If you are interested in purchasing student art work from the Gallery, contact us. (Not all students are willing to part with their art!) |
Volunteers are welcome to join the teams that change over exhibitions at night, when Foodtown is closed! See below for images of gallery coordinator Rachel Emig working on a 2019-2020 exhibition.
JOIN THE ALLIANCE! BECOME A 2023-24 ARTS ALLY TODAY!Individuals or families who donate $25 or more to join the Alliance will receive vital arts news, articles, interviews, volunteer opportunities, and other information throughout the school year.
To ensure that HAA membership is accessible to all, we are offering pay-what-you-can memberships! You can download a membership form right here. Haldane Arts Alliance is a section 501(c)3 nonprofit, and your contribution may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. For more information, please contact us at [email protected]. |
©2022 Haldane Arts Alliance